

"Naughty child,you will not comprehend me.I mean the lower orders,the bourgeoisie.My husband says he is a tanner's 'prenticeboy.""He was apprentice;he is now partner in Mr.Fletcher's tan-yard.""That is nearly as bad.And so you are actually going to marry a tanner?""I am going to marry Mr.Halifax.We will,if you please,cease to discuss him,Lady Caroline.""La belle sauvage!"laughed the lady;and,in the dusk,I fancied Isaw her reach over to pat Ursula's hand in her careless,pretty way.

"Nay,I meant no harm."

"I am sure you did not;but we will change the subject.""Not at all.I came to talk about it.I couldn't sleep till I had.

Je t'aime bien,tu le sais,ma petite Ursule.""Thank you,"said Ursula,gently.

"And I would like well to see you married.Truly we women must marry,or be nothing at all.But as to marrying for love,as we used to think of,and as charming poets make believe--my dear,now-a-days,nous avons change tout cela."Ursula replied nothing.

"I suppose my friend the young bourgeois is very much in love with you?With 'les beaux yeux de votre cassette,'Richard swears;but Iknow better.What of that?All men say they love one--but it will not last.It burns itself out.It will be over in a year,as we wives all know.Do we not,Mrs.Jessop?Ah!she is gone away."Probably they thought I was away too--or else they took no notice of me--and went talking on.

"Jane would not have agreed with you,Cousin Caroline;she loved her husband very dearly when she was a girl.They were poor,and he was afraid to marry;so he let her go.That was wrong,I think.""How wise we are growing in these things now!"laughed Lady Caroline.

"But come,I am not interested in old turtle-doves.Say about yourself.""I have nothing more to say."

"Nothing more?Mon Dieu!are you aware that Richard is furious;that he vows he will keep every sou he has of yours--law or no law--for as long as ever he can?He declared so this morning.Did young Halifax tell you?""Mr.Halifax has told me."

"'MR.Halifax!'how proudly she says it.And are you still going to be married to him?""Yes."

"What!a bourgeois--a tradesman?with no more money than those sort of people usually have,I believe.You,who have had all sorts of comforts,have always lived as a gentlewoman.Truly,though I adore a love-marriage in theory,practically I think you are mad--quite mad,my dear.""Do you?"

"And he,too!Verily,what men are!Especially men in love.All selfish together.""Caroline!"

"Isn't it selfish to drag a pretty creature down,and make her a drudge,a slave--a mere poor man's wife?""She is proud of being such!"burst in the indignant young voice.

"Lady Caroline,you may say what you like to me;you were kind always,and I was fond of you;but you shall not say a word against Mr.Halifax.You do not know him--how could you?""And you do?Ah!ma petite,we all think that,till we find out to the contrary.And so he urges you to be married at once--rich or poor--at all risks,at all costs?How lover-like--how like a man!Iguess it all.Half beseeches--half persuades--""He does not!"And the girl's voice was sharp with pain."I would not have told you,but I must--for his sake.He asked me this afternoon if I was afraid of being poor?if I would like to wait,and let him work hard alone,till he could give me a home like that I was born to?He did,Caroline.""And you answered--"

"No--a thousand times,no!He will have a hard battle to fight--would I let him fight it alone?when I can help him--when he says Ican."

"Ah,child!you that know nothing of poverty,how can you bear it?""I will try."

"You that never ruled a house in your life--""I can learn."

"Ciel!'tis wonderful!And this young man has no friends,no connections,no fortune!only himself.""Only himself,"said Ursula,with a proud contempt.

"Will you tell me,my dear,why you marry him?""Because"--and Ursula spoke in low tones,that seemed wrung out of her almost against her will--"because I honour him,because I trust him;and,young as I am,I have seen enough of the world to be thankful that there is in it one man whom I can trust,can honour,entirely.Also--though I am often ashamed lest this be selfish--because when I was in trouble he helped me;when I was misjudged he believed in me;when I was sad and desolate he loved me.And I am proud of his love--I glory in it.No one shall take it from me--no one will--no one can,unless I cease to deserve it."Lady Caroline was silent.Despite her will,you might hear a sigh breaking from some deep corner of that light,frivolous heart.

"Bien!chacun a son gout!But you have never stated one trifle--not unnecessary,perhaps,though most married folk get on quite well without it--'Honour,''trust,'--pshaw!My child--do you LOVE Mr.


No answer.

"Nay,why be shy?In England,they say,and among the people--no offence,ma petite--one does sometimes happen to care for the man one marries.Tell me,for I must be gone,do you love him?one word,whether or no?"Just then the light coming in showed Ursula's face,beautiful with more than happiness,uplifted even with a religious thankfulness,as she said simply:

"John knows."

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  • 职场游记(千种豆瓣高分原创作品·世间态)


    作品讲述了一个金融企业行政管理人员三年的职场生活,这里是一个充满了尔虞我诈明争暗斗却又不乏些许温情点缀其间的世界。作品以作者大学毕业后纠结于是考研还是工作开场,以工作三年后最终决定投身学术研究收场。作者心路历程的转变读来颇觉真实可信,令人谓叹。作者说:这是我三年职场生涯的自白,也是真实走过的路程。我打开金融企业的大门,落座于行政管理的岗位,一路看,一路成长。曾经的满怀梦想,曾经的单纯无知,面对职场一幕幕真实上演的戏剧,只能褪尽迷茫,开始接受这个社会的规则,开始学着同自己相处,同世界相处。我的故事没有什么与众不同,或者轰轰烈烈,可是生活的本来面貌不就是这份简单和平凡吗?在简单中找到努力的意义,在平凡中创造属于自己的立足之地,不正是生命的美妙所在吗?就像歌中唱的,“世界上没有一种痛是特别为你准备的”,其实没有什么大不了的。当然会有困惑、痛苦、丑陋和眼泪,可是经历的一切都让我更加清晰的认识到我要走的路,让我更加深刻的珍惜遇到的美好和善意。欢迎你进入我的世界。谢姣姣,1987年10月生于中原河南,毕业于中山大学,在澳门度过半年学习时光。爱好分享和阅读,喜欢旅行,走过南方大部分城市。喜欢花花草草和一切美好的东西。入职场近三年,学的管理,做的金融,不忘初心。平衡主义者,遭遇过变故和动荡,依然心存信念,变得更加强大。经历的一切成为了最好的财富。 始终心怀希望,笑看世间风景!