
第26章 British Constitution(4)

`Experience,'it has been said of old,`is the Mother of Wisdom:'be it so;but then Interest is the Father.There is even an Interest that is the Father of Experience.Among the members of the House of Commons,though none so poor as to be illiterate,are many whose fortunes,according to the common phrase,are yet to make.The fortunes of those of the House of Lords (I speak in general)are made already.The members of the House of Commons may hope to be members of the House of Lords.The members of the House of Lords have no higher House of Lords to rise to.Is it natural for those to be most active who have the least,or those who have the most interest to be so?Are the experienced those who are the least,or those who are the most active?Does experience come to men when asleep,or when awake?Is it the members of the House of Lords that are the most active,or of the House of Commons?To speak plain,is it in the House of Lords that there is most business done,or in the House of Commons?Was it after the fish was caught that the successor of St Peter used the net,or was it before?(73)In a word is there most wisdom ordinarily where there is least,or where there is most to gain by being wise?(74)17.A word or two more with respect to the characteristic qualifications,as our Author states them,of the higher assembly of our legislature.Experience is,in virtue of their being an anstocratical assembly,to afford them wisdom:thus far we were arrived before.But he now pushes the deduction a step farther.Wisdom is to afford them `circumspection and mediatory caution;'qualifications which it seems as if we should see nothing of,were it not for them.Let us now put a case.The business,indeed,that originates in the House of Lords is,as things stand,so little,that our Author seems to forget that there is any.However,some there is.A bill then originates with the Lords,and is sent down to the Commons.As to `circumspection'

I say nothing:that,let us hope,is not wanting to either House.But whose province is `mediatory caution,'now?

18.Thus much concerning these two branches of our legislature,so long as they continue what,according to our Author's principles,they are at present:the House of Lords the Aristocratical branch:the House of Commons the Democratical.A little while and we shall see them so;but again a little while,perhaps,and we shall not see them so.By what characteristic does our Author distinguish an Aristocratical legislative body from a Democratical one?By that of number:by the number of the persons that compose them:

by that,and that alone:for no other has he given.Now,therefore,to judge by that,the House of Lords,at present,indeed,is the Aristocratical branch:the House of Commons in comparison at least with the other,the Democratical.Thus far is well.But should the list of nobility swell at the rate we have sometimes seen it,there is an assignable period,and that,perhaps,at no very enormous distance,at which the assembly of the Lords will be more numerous than that of the Commons.Which will then be the Aristocratical branch of our Legislature?Upon our Author's principles,the House of Commons.Which the Democratical?The House of Lords.

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